Narration adversary

To the night where stars fell to rubble,
clearing all the clouds to a white blanket of flowers.
Led on to witness extinguishing flame.
Leaving Barque eyes.
Hunger for revenge lingers in sight.
Night arrives,
putting me into slumber.

Whistles, flowing winds,
pulling and retracting of strings,
the other half of the moon reappears.
Reawakening, under a blank sky,
ash and tephra fleet.
Echos of the swaying grass calls out.
The footpath out here has already been paved.
History runs in the far distance, waiting for someone to redo it all again.
Blindly as a Cecilia, we follow these tiles in place, unknowing.

A future foretold by a writer.
Hiding behind a clocked cloak.
Keep reaching out to this figure to unveil hidden truths.

Chapter after chapter.
You, who keep writing, prolonging the truth.
At our rendezvous, declare your presence.
One of only ink and shadow.
Let’s meet again.
A final collision to reach this story end line.

All shatters into ambiguity.
Horses tread along for the promised dawn.
When the bell chimes, illusions will fall to dust.

Chapter after chapter.
You, who keep writing, prolonging the truth.
At our rendezvous, declare your presence.
One of only ink and shadow.
Let’s meet again. A final collision to reach this story end line.

Bring in the endroll with sparks burning from pale palms.
In a bright crismon collision the magician falls to smoke.
Clouds encircle, paper planes fly away in the wind.
The end is here in your hand, melting away in rainfall.