internet ghost dwelling

follow the white rabbit orange cat. lead astray by a orange cat in the metropolis, you come across a dilapidated site. welcome to chione.neocities; where there's constant drizzling of rain, stray animals strolling past and lost ultramarine shells scattered across the floor. hope you enjoy your time here~ this is really a unconscious projection of my inner-mind brought to life.. there is not anything that noteworth here. thank you for stumbling upon this site, if you have any thoughts please share them in the #chatroom

mood:The current mood of chione at
currently playing: vns, jp duolingo, javac cmds, wordle, typing speed tests

version 13 ★ established in 2022 ★ this site is 98% cleaner than most sites

⚠️ 11.09.24 latest update:

no longer updating this website as moving to pure blogging site (bearblog or substack).

some pages have been removed and won't return, the remaining will stay.

also the chatroom will stay open so feel free to message still, alawys open to making new friends.

i'll be posting the choosen blogging platform soon so stay tuned.

⏲ time since launch: days hours minutes