internet ghost dwelling

follow the white rabbit orange cat. lead astray by a orange cat in the metropolis, you come across a dilapidated site. welcome to chione.neocities; where there's constant drizzling of rain, stray animals strolling past and lost ultramarine shells scattered across the floor. hope you enjoy your time here~ this is really a unconscious projection of my inner-mind brought to life.. there is not anything that noteworth here. thank you for stumbling upon this site, if you have any thoughts please share them in the #chatroom

mood:The current mood of chione at
currently playing: vns, jp duolingo, javac cmds, wordle, typing speed tests

version 13 ★ established in 2022 ★ this site is 98% cleaner than most sites

latest update: new blog entry, stamps and bio updated (24.04.24)

currently listening to

⏲ time since launch: days hours minutes

this site features:
way too many text passages about music, unsubstantiated subjective feelings, rejoyces about being a denpa then complaning about eye-strain, stolenborrowed pixel art, functional, but odd text formatting for mobile users and bad js