Mar 24'

Look back to a few days ago

A few day back on the train ride home I was feeling mischievous, so got off at a random stop and wandered around. First walking through a residential area, then a huge park. There was a path that went off from the open grassy fields. It was meant to lead to a road and I didn’t want to go home so decided go down it. It was surprisingly a long path. Felt like at least hour. Who really know how much time passed. There were lots of ways to branch off. On the way back I decided to go through this concrete step with branches overhanging. Probably wasn’t meant to go there but curiosity got the better of me. As expected it was closed off so lots of overgrown stems. There was a floodplain and birds. And something unexpected. Behind that floodplain, it looked like a tent. Not that strange. But going closer it wasn’t.. a few metal poles and a tarpaulin cover.. it wasn’t a tent. Surely it can’t be for camping, and nobody was there so it wasn’t for a few mere hours. There weren’t any camping materials insight. It’s a frail construction, the rain and wind of the last days could have easily destroyed it. Therefore it must of been recently constructed, I wonder if anyone was living there.

I’ll probably visit this park again. There’s a nicely isolated tree where one can sleep (there’s a supermarket too, could have a solo picnic and bring a book!). Is it worth the risk to go visit here again? Mmmhhguuhh, dunno.