chione ( pronounced key-own-nuh, meaning snow)
a nobody occassionally drifting through the submarine communications cables

basic info: student, female, denpa, reclusive

personality typing: INTP, 5w4, 584, sp/sx, chaotic-neutral, melancholic-phlegmatic 584, RCUEI

personality: glasses, homebody

pass-times: studying, listening to music, coding, sleeping, journalling, reading, surfing the indie-web, watching tv

music genres: utaites, breackore, mandopop, chinese-strings, ani-soundtracks, instrumentals, asian-rock, jungle/drum'n'bass, shoegaze, dreampop, ambient music

contact: open to direct messaging on spacehey, or being penpals via email. i also occasionally blog on tumblr, and write reviews on anilist, and vndb. email me at to find out the usernames for any of these accounts

just like me fr !! even got the eyebags

characters i like (hover over the images for extra info)

yuki minakami from wonderful everyday
edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky IV from cowboy bepop
haruhi fujioka from ouran high school host club
jesper fahey from the six of crow duology
xie lian from heaven offical's blessing
nao tomori from charlotte

quiz results